Our Services

Kentucky Veterinary Surgery performs a large number of orthopedic and soft tissue surgical procedures.

Orthopedic Surgery

Kentucky Veterinary Surgery performs a large number of orthopedic procedures, including (but not limited to):

   Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomies (TPLO)

   Lateral Suture Stabilizations

   Patellar Luxation Repair

   Fracture Repair

   Femoral Head/Neck Excision (FHNE/FHO)


Soft Tissue Surgery

Kentucky Veterinary Surgery also is available for soft tissue surgery needs. Soft tissue surgeries include (but not limited to):

   Abdominal Exploratories/GI Surgery

   Mass Removals

   Perineal Urethrostomies


   Brachycephalic Airway

   Laryngeal Surgery